Postcards from the Garage: Coos Bay, Oregon (and a bit of an update)


The shot above was taken during a little getaway I took with the family during the July 4th weekend a couple months back. We stayed in the Charleston part of town, over on the southwest side, and that picture was taken when we stopped to rest during a short hike of the South Slough Estuary — a beautiful area. In fact, our house was minutes from three state parks, including the spectacular Cape Arago. A great trip.

It was a fun summer, even if was a bit on the hot side (an early June heat wave set the tone for the rest of the season). The kids stayed busy as usual, with various camps and activities, though we did manage a nice trip to Seattle, riding the Amtrak up there and spending a week bumming around the city doing different things. Kids are now back in school, the university is in full swing with fall term, and after some ups and downs this year that I won’t go into here, I’m back to getting up early and getting two hours in with the writing before heading off to the university. It’s a great balance, as the morning hours feed my need for solitary creative time while the job at the university forces me to engage with the world in ways that serve a completely different part of my personality. Could I write more books if I spent all of my time doing it?  Maybe, but I may not write at all if my mental health takes a turn for the worse. It’s a mistake that I’ve seen a lot of writers make, assuming that just because they have more hours in the day that they’re actually going to produce a lot more quality material.

I’ve also drastically cut down how much time I was spending online. It’s amazing how well-informed you can be even with twenty minutes a day if you really cut out what’s extraneous. I’ve also become pretty convinced, partly by reading  Dennis Palumbo’s excellent book, Writing from the Inside Out, that consumption/production of information or entertainment is something of a binary state. What I mean is, just as there is huge value in feeding our minds with information, there is just as much value in shutting off the information flow and letting our creativity fill the vacuum. In other words, as strange as this sounds, reading more is not always better. Disengaging, and disconnecting, can have tremendous value to both our productivity and our peace of mind — not just for writers, or artists, but for all human beings.

Anyway, it’s certainly done wonders for my own creativity and productivity. It’s not a new idea for me (heck, the name of this blog is Plugged/Unplugged, exactly because I’ve always believed there’s value in being disconnected from the Digital Hive Mind), but it is an idea that’s become more woven into my daily life.

The next Garrison Gage book is about 80% done.  Hopefully I’ll be back with more news regarding the book before too long.

Update on the Mailing List Contest and Progress on the Next Gage Book


That shot is from a hike I took not too long ago on Hamilton Mountain, up in the Columbia Gorge area. A great day hike on a great day. Click the image for a larger version that does it a bit more justice.

For those of you who signed up for my mailing list before now, and are eligible for the contest, I will be sending out the prize-winning emails over the next week or so. I just download the list and will be doing some random drawings in the next few days. And if you haven’t signed up, please do so. I’ll be doing another round of prizes before too long, so it’s worth being on there.  I only email a handful of times a year and I will never share your email with others. Of course, the best reason is so you’re the first to know when my next book is released.

Speaking of that, I’m hard at work on the next Garrison Gage book (#4 for those of you counting at home), and my productivity is really ramping up, so the book is coming along nicely. With grad school in the rear view mirror, and the WR 450 course also finished (always hard to teach something for the first time, so I was working a lot of evenings and weekends), I have a bit more energy and time to devote to writing, and I intend to take full advantage of it. I usually get up early and write for two hours before coming into the university, but the work load finally reached a point where that was getting tough to do. As I’ve mentioned a number of times, I’m one of those rare writers that really does like his day job, more so each year as my career with the university has evolved, but on rare occasions the balance can get out of wack. I’ve got a better balance now.

It also shouldn’t be too long before I have a title and a cover to share for the next Gage book, but I’ll keep you all in suspense for now. That’s part of my job as a writer, you know. Keeping you in suspense.

1000 Email Subscribers Reached – Summer Mailing List Giveaways – Sign Up Today!

Just last week, my mailing list crossed over 1000 subscribers. It’s a neat milestone, and a nice reminder of how many new readers I’ve picked up lately. Thank you! To show my appreciation, I’ve decided to do some giveaways for my fans. If you sign up before Sunday, June 21 (the first day of summer), you’ll be eligible for all the following FREE prizes:

#1 . . . 3 people will receive one FREE ebook of the next Garrison Gage mystery at least twenty-four hours before it has been published, as well as a signed paperback edition of that book to be mailed a few weeks after publication to a United States address. Right now, this book is scheduled for a Fall 2015 release.

#2 . . . 5 people will receive a FREE signed trade paperback copy of one of my already published Garrison Gage books or one of my Myron Vale books, mailed at my expense within the United States, whichever book the winner chooses.

#3 . . . 20 people will receive coupon codes for FREE copies of the audio edition (via of all three Garrison Gage books

#4 . . . Everyone on my mailing list will receive a coupon code for 50% off the print edition for all the Garrison Gage books and all the Myron Vale books, good for one month. You can use it on one book or all of them. Shipping not included. That’s right. Everyone.

You can keep the prizes for yourself or give them to others. Remember, to be eligible all you have to do is sign up for my mailing list. Crazy? Well, I’ve had a good year as a writer, and this is the least I can do to show how grateful I am. Your email will never be shared with others, and I only email a handful of times a year.  All the prizes will be selected randomly. And no, I’m not running this giveaway on any of the popular contest sites.  This is just for my readers.

And if you’re on the list?  Don’t sweat it.  You’re already eligible.

I hope it’s worth five seconds of your time. Feel free to tell others, so long as you think they’d be interested in my books. Sign up here:

The fine print:  No purchase necessary to enter or win. To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be on Scott William Carter’s email list before June 21, 2015. You must be over 18 years of age and, alas, a resident of the United States. (Blame Canadian and European laws, folks; I love my international readers.) Odds of winning any prize are approximately 1 in 1000, except for #4, which will be awarded to all people on the mailing list before June 21, 2015. Winners will be notified via email.


I mentioned this book was coming in my last post (and I informed my mailing list a few days ago*), but I’m pleased to announce that The Ghost Who Said Goodbye is now available in both print and ebook.  A sharp-witted private investigator who has a hard time telling the living apart from the dead? Check. A serial killer with a paranormal twist that only our hero can stop? Check. Elvis as a hot dog vendor? Yep, it’s all here. If you enjoyed Ghost DetectiveI’m hoping you like this one, too.  More information about the book below.  (There are a few retailers, like iBooks, that will be available soon.)

*If you haven’t signed up for my mailing list, you can do so here. There will be some contests coming up soon, some free giveaways for my fans, so it’s worth a couple seconds of your time. And I only email a few times a year.

ghostgoodbye_cover031315The Ghost Who Said Goodbye
A Myron Vale Investigation

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks

Amazon | B&N | Indiebound

Genre: Fiction | Mystery

Even the dead can die . . . the second in the riveting series about the private investigator who bridges both sides of the great divide.

Charles Manson. Ted Bundy. Jeffrey Dahmer. Known for their cunning and savagery. In the late eighties, another infamous serial killer sent seventeen innocent people to early graves. Then, suddenly, the murders in the panicked city of Portland, Oregon, stopped–and the Goodbye Killer got away.

Myron Vale remembers it well. Long before a fateful bullet cursed him with the ability to see ghosts, he was the young son of the city’s most esteemed detective. The case changed Hank Vale, haunting him with a single glimpse of the killer’s otherworldly face. He was never the same man again. Or the same father.

Now a new victim points to the Goodbye Killer’s return. And when the most powerful forces on the other side of the great divide approach Myron desperate for help, he uncovers a terrifying truth. It’s not just the living who should fear for their immortal souls … even the dead can die.

What They’re Saying About the Series

“The Sixth Sense meets Spenser For Hire in Scott William Carter’s magnificent Ghost Detective.”– Michael J. Totten, author of Taken

“Scott is one of those rare writers who can and does cross genres, and do it well. You never know what kind of story you’ll get from him, but you do know that it’ll be good.” – Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Hugo award-winning author of The Disappeared

“A sultry blonde walks into a detective’s office. Big deal, seen it a million times, right? Wrong! THE GHOST DETECTIVE ranks as one of the most ingenious departures from the norm I’ve seen in a long time … I’ve always enjoyed Scott William Carter’s work, but THE GHOST DETECTIVE takes my admiration to a whole new level. I loved this book. ” – David H. Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Ice

“There is fantastic character development, snappy dialogue, and an interesting, intelligent plotline that kept me guessing up to the last page.”  –  Cheryl Stout, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer

“Ghost Detective has it all — suspense, humor, compelling characters, and a depth of emotion that kept me turning the pages into the wee hours of the morning.” – Leslie Claire Walker, author of Skin and Bone

“It’s very rare that find a novel that’s funny and sarcastic and poignant and scary, all at the same time. In GHOST DETECTIVE, Scott William Carter pulls all four off with amazing aplomb … A gripping, wonderful read – and I definitely look forward to the next Myron Vale novel. Highly recommended.” –  Kathryn Cunningham, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer

“Don’t let the title trick you into false assumptions; Ghost Detective is an outstanding book, one that uses its paranormal premise not as a way into scares or even romance, but instead uses it to explore ideas about loss, death, and our pasts. It’s really well-crafted stuff, and I’m excited to see that Carter plans more books in this series; after this one, I’m eager to see what comes next for Myron.”  –  Josh Mauthe,  The Library Police Podcast

“Scott William Carter takes aim at smooth genre blend and scores a bulls-eye … Fantastic read.” – Nathan E. Meyer, author Aldwyn’s Academy