Careful Who You Share Your Dreams With

Here at Mutterings Central, I’m pretty honest about my goal to eventually make a living writing fiction.  It doesn’t mean I’m unrealistic about it, or that I’d be willing to put my family at risk to achieve it, but it has been and will always be one of the ways in which I measure my success with my writing career.  It’s not the only way, nor is it the best way, but it is important.  It’s something I work toward — whether it takes years or decades. 

There’s certainly plenty of writers who don’t think this is important — in fact, I find it amusing how many writers who do make a living writing fiction discourage others from trying to do the same, not for nefarious reasons, but because they know how hard it is — but I don’t think I’d ever be satisfied until I at least gave it a shot. 

What some of these writers may not realize is that the goal of making a living from your craft is not a rational one, any more than trying to become an Olympic gold medalist in archery is rational.  Few worthwhile goals are rooted in rationality and logic.  So trying to dissuade someone by telling them it’s more logical to keep your day job and write on the side is rather pointless.  That’s like telling someone she should fall in love with the guy next door becuase he’s an accountant and good for her when her heart flutters at the sight of grease monkey down the street working on his Mustang.  And who wants to live in a world ruled completely by logic anyway? 

So that brings me to what I wanted to write about:  who to share your dreams and goals with, and how much you should choose to share.  Especially in the beginning, I’ve come to believe it’s very important that you get unflagging support from those you share your dreams with, and if you can’t get it, then it’s better that these people remain in the dark.  Let them think you just do that “writing thing” as a hobby —  or better yet, don’t let them know about your writing at all.  I’m now at a point where I’ve achieved enough success that it serves as a bullwark against the doubters and the skeptics, so I can afford to be a little more honest about it, but even I’m careful.  Why?  Well, let me tell you about an incident that happened to me a couple years ago at the day job.

I work at a small university in technology support, helping with online classes and such.  A new colleague, the director of a program on campus that also had some oversight with online classes, invited me out to coffee.  It was just a meet and greet deal, a chance to socialize.  This colleage, let’s call her Karen, said at one point, “Scott, you seem like a talented guy.  I’m surprised that you’re not in graduate school or trying to work your way up the ladder.  It seems like you could go far.”

I made the mistake at this point of letting my guard down.  (Maybe it was the poppyseeds in the muffin.)  I told her that while I liked my day job, and it was a perfect fit for me, my overall goal in life was to become a professional fiction writer, so I deliberately chose a job that would help me achieve that goal — a job, that while challenging and interesting, was one I could leave behind at 5 p.m with a clear conscience and maybe even squeeze some writing in during my lunch hour.  So while I didn’t fault anyone from “working their way up the ladder,” I focused that time and energy on my writing. 

She nodded in agreement, the conversation moved on, and I didn’t think anything more of it until about a year later.  My program was being transferred under another director, and unbeknownst to me, he asked a number of people on campus about me and what they thought of me — Karen being one of them.  Pretty much everybody said glowing things about me, but Karen had some “concerns.”  You see, we worked together on a grant-funded program a few months after that coffee meeting, and even though it seemed, from my point of view, to go quite well, apparently she didn’t think my work was up to snuff.  And she told my boss this.  In fact, she told him quite a bit more, that, in her words, “my priorities were elsewhere.”

This is not the way to get off on the right foot with your new boss.  At his request, we had an airing out meeting, the three of us, and when she got defensive — probably realizing how shallow her criticisms were — she brought up my comment about my goal of becoming a professional fiction writer.  It was a low blow, and I think my new boss saw through it, but the damage was done and the doubt was in his mind.  I had to make sure I worked extra hard to prove to him that her concerns, however irrational, were unfounded.  And I think I did.  But at a time when our university was making budget cuts, it was not the kind of thing I wanted in the back of my boss’s mind.

Both of those two have left the university (in fact Karen had lots of personal problems, which I think, in retrospect, contributed to her warped perceptions of me), but the lesson remains.  Be careful who you share your dreams with.  While I wish it weren’t true, there are lots of small-minded people out there who will try to use them against you if the need arises.  This isn’t to say you shouldn’t share your dreams and aspirations with others.  Sharing such things is how you develop meaningful friendships.  But it’s good to be cautious until you know whether someone can be trusted.

Stories vs. Novels

In Publishing News . . .

I have a new story out in the DAW anthology, Mystery DateThe tale, “Motivational Speaker,” involves a man’s rather unusual relationship with a stereo system he purchases from a department store.   Check it out.

In Writing News . . .

I finished a new story — one involving a famous Civil War sword, a ghost, and a black boy who faces a test of character in the face of the worst kind of bigotry.  I enjoyed writing it — which doesn’t always mean it’s publishable, but it’s a good sign.  

Otherwise, it’s back to the novel in progress.  Not writing nearly as many short stories these days, and that’s by design.  While I do love the form, and have no plans to stop writing them, it does come down purely to economics.  That may sound crass, and I guess it is, but if your main goal is to eventually make a living writing fiction, then you do have to pay attention to the numbers.     

Think of it this way.  Except for some of the very best short story markets out there (The New Yorker, etc.), most professional level markets for short fiction pay between six and ten cents a word.  (And there’s a ton of markets, some quite respectable, that pay considerably less.)  If you apply that six cent word rate to a 100,000 word novel, that nets you $6000. 

Six grand is pretty much the bottom for a professional-level novel advance.  Most publishers pay considerably more — and it can rise quickly as you establish your audience, whereas short stories won’t net you all that much more even if you become a bestseller (slightly more, sure, but not nearly as much an increase you’ll get with your novels).  Plus you have to remember that this doesn’t include royalties, foreign sales, movie rights, and a myriad of other ways that novels make money beyond the initial advance.  Yes, you can’t count on those, but they’re much more likely with novels than with short stories.

 So if you’re a writer with young children and a day job — which translates into a limited amount of time for your fiction — then you have a choice to make.  Even writing novels exclusively, it’s tough to make a living doing it, and if you write short stories exclusively, it’s pretty much impossible in the present day. 

Does this mean a writer who wants to make a living at his craft should forgo short stories completely?  Not hardly.  Of course, there’s the sheer love of them, but there are other reasons, too.  A reader might buy an anthology for a magazine because it has his favorite author in it, then read your story and get interested in finding books by you as well.  Plus if you do build up an audience for your novels, you can release your short stories in a collection and make more money that way.  And a popular short story can be resold many times, too, appearing in Best of the Year collections and the like.

So there are great reasons — even beyond a love of the form — for writing short stories.   But if you want to make a living from your fiction, you really have no choice but to write novels.  The good news is that squeezing in some short stories now and then is good from a publishing career point of view as well.