Friday Links

I’m about to head out to the Oregon coast for a writing workshop I’ve been looking forward to for some time.  The very talented Denise Little of Tekno Books will be leading a workshop on writing for anthologies.  It will also be a chance to catch up with many talented writers, many whom I’ve known for years.

But before I go, I thought I’d try to start something new, a Friday post on interesting things I bumped into over the course of the week.  Here you go:

New story published: “The Dinosaur Diaries”

I have a new longish story (or novelette, if you want to get technical) out in the April 2008 issue of Realms of Fantasy: “The Dinosaur Diaries.” Part ghost story, part romance, part coming-of-age tale — it’s got a bit of everything, and I’m really glad to have it see print. It begins when the narrator, Jerry, finds fresh Tyrannosaurus Rex tracks on his Iowa farm, and only gets more interesting from there. If you don’t have a subscription, you can usually find individual issues at your local Borders. Here’s the cover:


Here’s the first page (and yes, they do break into more traditional paragraphing on the next page).

Click the image for a larger version.

Myspace and Writing Avoidance

So instead of spending my time writing, as I should, I created a Myspace page.  Check it out:  http// 

Plus I created a temporary “cover” for The Last Great Getaway of the Water Balloon Boys, which you can see both on this site and on the Myspace page.

So I really need to get more writing done.  Really. 

 You see, I’m actually a very disciplined person when I’m not being undisciplined.