New Book: President Jock, Vice President Geek

I’m pleased to announce the release of my next book, President Jock, Vice President Geek.  It’s targeted at mature young adults (on the 16-18 end), but if you liked The Last Great Getaway of the Water Balloon Boys, you might really like this one too.  It’s set in the same town and even features a few of the minor characters.  The electronic book is now available, with the paperback to follow in April 2011.  A little more information is below.  Hope you check it out!

Electronic Edition Publication Date:  January  2011
Buy Now:  Amazon | B&N | Smashwords

Paperback Publication Date: Coming April  2011

Audience: Young Adult | General Fiction

It was a simple plan. She would help him pass algebra. He would help her win the student election. What could go wrong?

Take one geeky sixteen-year-old girl deathly afraid of speaking to any crowd larger than one, but who desperately needs something on her application other than perfect grades to get her into Stanford. Add in a star basketball player who’s Mr. Popular to everyone else, but who’s hiding more than a few startling secrets. Throw in a crisis of identity, a scheming girlfriend, and troubled family lives. Oh, and make sure everything that can go wrong does. Then count the votes.

The result is PRESIDENT JOCK, VICE PRESIDENT GEEK, the story of two mixed up teenagers struggling to find themselves and the craziest student election ever to hit the halls of Rexton High.

“Carter’s writing is on target.” – Publishers Weekly

Read the opening pages.

P.S.  If you enjoy the book, please consider writing a review on or  Only a tiny fraction of readers do this, and you’d be surprised at how much it helps.  Thanks!

“The Time of His Life” – Illustrated

“The Time of His Life,” a short story I sold to Realms of Fantasy a while back, isn’t scheduled to be published for an issue or two, but the editor recently sent me a link to  Tomislav Tikulin’s wonderful illustration.  It fits the story perfectly, which is about a man who finds a hidden room in his attic where time doesn’t pass.

I’ll mention the story again when it’s published, but I wanted to share this one now.  Seeing my work brought to life in visual form is always a treat.