Summer Update: A Graduation, A Trip to Iceland, and Helping Our Daughter Move

What, August already? Rosie and I were looking forward to getting back into the swing of our weekly hikes, but somehow half the summer is gone and I’ve barely gone on any. Part of the issue was that we went almost straight from my son’s high school graduation to an amazing two-week trip to Iceland, where we rented a car and drove almost all of Route 1, what they also call the “Ring Road,” circling the island and staying in thirteen different hotels in fifteen days. I was originally skeptical there would be enough to justify a two-week trip, but boy was I wrong. Bathing in natural hot springs, seeing puffins at the Látrabjarg cliffs, touring caves inside the Katla glacier, beholding the awesome power of Dynjandi and many, many other waterfalls … Once you get outside Reykjavik (which is a great little cosmopolitan city), this is a land of awesome yet primitive beauty.

We were there over the summer solstice, and as close as Iceland is to the Arctic Circle, we never experienced any true darkness. There’s only a few hours of technical darkness, but even then it’s sort of a grainy twilight. It certainly gave us more time to be outdoors! Of course, in the winter it’s pretty much the opposite.

Here are just a few pictures:

Barely a week after we returned, we hopped back in the car to celebrate my in-law’s 50th anniversary, spending a fun few days in the River Meadows/Sunriver area in central Oregon, bicycling, river rafting, and just hanging out. Now that our kids are both adults, I know these times when all four of us are together are going to get increasingly rare, so I treasure them. Not long after, our daughter was moving out of her apartment into a house she’s sharing with two of her friends, so she finally needed much of her furniture here at our house. It’d been a while since I’d rented a U-Haul. I forgot how exhausting moving can be.

And here we are. For those of you who missed it, I have a new Garrison Gage book out. I’m pleased to say A Kiss of Sand and Sorrow has been well-received. In fact, some of my readers have been calling it the best Gage book yet. Is it true? Well, those are subjective judgments, of course, but I’d rather hear more of that than the opposite. What really drives me, whether it’s as a writer or as a cartoonist, is the drive to keep getting better. That’s what I find most rewarding about the arts.

In addition to continuing to publish two Run of the House cartoons a week, I’ve been working on a shorter standalone novel and some short stories. I’m in the process of putting together a new short story collection that I’m pretty happy with. Hopefully get that one out soon. Productivity has only been so-so this summer, partly because of all the life-related happenings I mentioned above, and partly due to allowing myself to get a bit too obsessed about the political turmoil here in the United States, but such is life. Yet even as I slowly get back up to speed, there never seems enough time to do everything.

Then again, as the comedian Stephen Wright once said: “You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?

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New Garrison Gage Book: A KISS OF SAND AND SORROW

Hope all’s well in your neck of the woods. Here at the Carter household, our son is about to graduate from high school. With my daughter in her third year of college, my wife and I are about to transition into that “empty nester” stage of life, I guess. Well, not if you include Rosie, but then we’ve pretty much accepted that we’re permanently stuck with our furry, four-legged child. (Don’t tell her that, though. She’s spoiled enough already, and I don’t want our intrepid Irish Setter to think she can just loaf around all day without pulling her weight.)

But let’s skip to the big news today: I’ve got a new book out, and it’s one a lot of you have been asking for: a new Garrison Gage mystery! 

It’s hard to believe that A Kiss of Sand and Sorrow is the ninth book in the series, and yet I’m finding it more fun than ever to spend some time with my curmudgeonly detective. Now that I think about it, “fun” is a pretty strange word considering all the trouble Gage gets himself into, both in matters of the law and matters of the heart. There’s plenty of both this time around. 

More about the book is below, including links to retailers. As always, thanks for reading!

A Kiss of Sand and Sorrow

A Garrison Gage Mystery

Gage might go mad. With most of inland Oregon enduring a record-setting heatwave, the hordes descend on Barnacle Bluffs seeking cooler ocean air, and it’s all the curmudgeonly private investigator can do to keep from shooting somebody. What’s the harm in one fewer tourist, anyway? Yet when a desperate young woman shows up claiming her depressed husband has gone missing, Gage will need all of his wits to find the man before something terrible happens. His complicated feelings for the beautiful but headstrong police chief, with dark secrets of her own, only make solving the case more challenging … especially when those secrets eventually bring Gage face to face with one of the most savage foes ever to cross his path.

Ebook: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play

Paperback: Amazon

Dead-Eyed Drifter in Audio, Brief Update

For readers who prefer to listen to my books in audio, good news: the third Karen Pantelli book, Dead-Eyed Drifter is now available for download at both Audible and iTunes.

A big thanks to Cathy Crosman, who did an excellent job narrating this book. While it’s never ideal changing narrators in the middle of a series, Cathy made the switch as seamless as possible (while bringing her own wonderful rendition life).

Just a quick update, since it’s been a few months. The ninth Garrison Gage book is currently with the copy editor, slated to be published in June. Be looking for an email from me (assuming you’ve signed up for my New Release Newsletter, which I hope you have!) By the way, my copy editor is the excellent Michael J. Totten, who is not only a prize-winning writer in his own right, but one of the very best editors at all levels one can get. I can’t recommend him enough. He’s getting in such high demand, however, that it might be difficult to hire him before too long!

I’ve been in a productive grove lately. Some of this stems from staying off-line until the evening most days, but a lot of it is just being more focused and efficient, channeling my energy into what yields me the best returns. I like to split my productive time 70/30 between the writing and cartooning, with the writing getting the bulk of my efforts, and I’ve been edging closer to that ideal. The Run of the House cartoon strip is a completely different ball of wax from my fiction, especially my crime fiction, but doing it provides me with a nice change of pace. One of my fans described the strip as “frequently funny, often profound, and sometimes just plain weird,” which I thought was the best summation of my quirky sense of humor I’d ever heard! And a good tagline!

If you want to try them out, please sign up at to get a free comic in your inbox every Monday. And if you enjoy them, consider upgrading to a paid subscription. Paid subscribers get a second (exclusive) comic in their inboxes every Wednesday.

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A Cold and Shallow Shore Available in Audio

Good news for fans of my Garrison Gage series who prefer audio books: A Cold and Shallow Shore is now available for digital download on both Audible and iTunes.

This one took a little longer to get produced, and for sad reasons, I’m afraid. The excellent narrator for the first seven books, Steven Roy Grimsley, passed away, and I flailed around for a bit until I decided what to do. The good news is that the new narrator, Jarrod Taylor, is awesome! It’s different, of course. Instead of trying to get a voice that was as similar to Grimsley as I could get, I opted instead for someone who had a strong interpretation even if it was different. I’m quite pleased with the result.

Speaking of Gage, I’m working on the ninth book now. Don’t have a date yet. Hopefully it won’t be too long.