The World’s Gone Crazy, So Here’s a Picture of Ducks (and a brief update)

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the world’s gone a bit nuts lately, so I thought I’d start with a picture of some ducks. Just because. Who doesn’t like a picture of ducks? It was taken by my daughter a few days ago, when we took a long bike ride down to the river, passing through a number of parks along the way.

We’re engaging in good social distancing practices, which are getting easier and easier to do as Oregon continues to close up shop and the whole world tries to fight its way through the COVID-19 pandemic. I truly hope all is well with you and yours. We’re healthy here, which is the important thing.

It’s pretty clear that disasters like this one bring out both the best and the worst in humanity. Fortunately, I think we’re seeing more of the former than the later. If nothing else, it’s proving what a tightly interconnected world we live in now. There really is no pretending otherwise, and as we come through this thing, I hope it’s a lesson we carry forward. As a species, we’ve got some big challenges ahead of us.

I’ve been fairly silent online, but mostly that’s because I’ve channeled that energy into full-time writing. How’s it going, you might wonder? Four months in, I still feel like I’m trying to get the right balance to things, and of course the last month or so the extra pandemic-induced anxiety made getting into that creative space especially difficult. Seems like a pretty small problem in the grand scheme of things, no? But most days, I get in my ten pages. (In fact, the sign over my writing computer is pretty simple: “1) Write 10 pages. 2) Everything else.”) I was beating myself up a few months back, because my process seems to take longer than I’d prefer, but then I stumbled across a post by Nora Roberts, the world’s bestselling romance writer, and the next day reread parts of Stephen King’s On Writing, a man who, at his best, I consider our modern day Charles Dickens, and realized that my mutli-phase process, such as it is, is somewhere between the two of them. And if it’s good enough for Roberts and King, well, that’s pretty good company to be in.

In the end, as I’ve gotten older, I do think most writers have no idea, really, how they do what they do. That includes me. We just make up little stories about our processes after the fact. Like all good fiction, sometimes these stories have an element of truth to them, and you can certainly learn plenty from storytelling giants like Roberts and King trying to make sense of their craft, but I wouldn’t take what any writers say about how they do what they do too seriously.

For me, writing is still done one word a time. Describing it as anything else is like trying to explain a rainbow to a four-year-old. Either you get too metaphysical and sound like an idiot. Or you get too scientific and rob the rainbow of all its mystery.

I’ve mostly finished one book that’s just starting into production, the first Karen Pantelli novel. If you don’t remember Karen, she appeared at the end of A Desperate Place for Dying and more fully in The Lovely Wicked Rain, as a love interest of Garrison Gage and as an erstwhile FBI agent who’s coming to terms with a terrible mistake. You won’t need to read those books to enjoy this one, but it will give you a glimpse into her character. I’d always wanted to write a drifter-type character at novel length, but I didn’t realize that’s what I had until I started writing her story. One writer friend of mine pointed out that I essentially came up with my own variation of Jack Reacher, but I have to admit, as much as I’ve enjoyed many of the Reacher novels, that never occurred to me as I was writing her story. When Karen walked onto the stage, I just wanted to find out more about her. I hope my readers feel the same.

More on Karen Pantelli soon, as I’m still awaiting feedback from some of my first readers and the book goes into full production (copy editing, proofing, design, etc). Wrote a few short stories between books, some of which sold and I’ll announce down the line when they appear. And for you Garrison Gage fans, yes, I’m well into the next book now, so hopefully it won’t be too long. My production has definitely increased dramatically, but it may be a year before it’s obvious to anyone else but me. The Run of the House comic is still on hiatus, as I try to figure out what I want to do with it, but I’ve got some ideas. It’s back to that balance issue. I’ve been trying to come up with a “unifying principle,” some kind of approach or process (ah, that word again!) that creates a structure that works for me and creates some extra motivation. Toying with a few ideas. We’ll see.

For now, take care of yourselves!

Fall 2019 Update: Now Writing Full Time and Other News

I don’t want to bury the lead, so I’ll start off with the biggest news: As of November 4th, I’m now a full-time writer.

After nearly 20 years at the university, it finally seemed like the right time. I’ve been self-employed before — I owned a bookstore for a few years in my late twenties — so being self-employed is not completely new to me, but this is the first time I’ve been a full-time writer. My commute is now thirteen feet, bedroom to office. My coworkers are very quiet . . . except when they’re cleaning their paws.  In the picture above, you can see one of them, Paisley, sitting in my office recliner. Er, I mean, on my office recliner.

What does it mean for my readers? Well, the books should come a lot faster now. I won’t be writing any faster, mind you, or at least I don’t intend to. I’m just going to be spending a lot more hours at it rather than getting up at the crack of way-too-early to get in my pages before heading off to the day job. I have a good sense of what kind of pace is sustainable for me long term, but we’ll see how it goes. So far, so good. I’ve been hitting my quota, getting in my daily words on another book. I know if I get that right, I can figure out the rest. 

And what is that book? Well, I’m working on a spin off character from the Garrison Gage series right now — someone who appeared in a couple books and deserves her own series. (That’s enough of a clue. You’ll have to wait until I’m done for more.) After that, I’d like to jump right back to Gage for the seventh book in that series. And then? Well, I have a lot of ideas.

Speaking of ideas, what about the comic? Now that I don’t have that pesky day job, will be I be publishing Run of the House more frequently? Well, we’ll see. For now, I continue to publish the cartoon strip every Wednesday over at I’m going to reassess my plans with it down the road a bit, after I’ve settled into my new routines, but I fully intend to keep it going. It appeals to a different part of my creative makeup, one I’d let go dormant for far too long.

Oh, in other news, Bury the Dead in Driftwood, the sixth Garrison Gage book, is now available in audio. You can find it on Audible and on iTunes, narrated by the wonderful Steven Roy Grimsley, who has narrated all of the Garrison Gage and Myron Vale books. If you like listening to audio books, as I do, please check it out.

It’s a gray and drizzly November day here in Oregon. In other words, perfect writing weather.  Time to get back to it.

Recalibrating the Cartoon Strip (Changing to a Once-a-Week Schedule, Pausing Patreon . . . for Now)

It feels a bit strange writing this post, just a week after posting about reaching my 50th comic strip with Run of the House, but, alas, reality has intervened as it sometimes does. While I love producing the strip, and plan to continue doing it, I now have a much better idea of how much time it takes — which means how much time it’s also taking from other things. Unfortunately, while I thought I could maintain the balance of writing/university work/family/cartooning without anything really suffering, it turns out there really are only 24 hours in a day, and something had to give. Lately, that turned out to be the writing, as much as I tried to deny it to myself. My weekly word counts don’t lie, since I’ve always been a big believer in tracking them so I’m honest with myself about my productivity, and they’re down considerably in the last few months. 

And since I have two kids going to college before long, and the writing is (ahem) quite a bit more profitable (and equally enjoyable), I’ve got to continue to prioritize it.  I knew when I was starting to use my morning writing time for the cartoon strip that I was going to have to make some hard decisions . . . So I’m dropping back to a once-a-week, Wednesday publishing schedule for Run of the House, starting next week (August 28).

But I’m not quitting! If anything, I’m more motivated than ever to get better as an artist and cartoonist, just as I’m equally motivated to get better as a writer. I’ve learned a ton about cartooning the last few months, both the craft and the business side of things, and I have some ideas on how to evolve the strip in the months ahead and how to keep getting better overall. This really is primarily about time. Well, yes, paying college tuition, too, but primarily time.

Finally, I’ve paused the Patreon donations. It doesn’t feel right to take your contributions when I’ve cut my publication schedule. I was tempted to just close my account for now, which I may still do, but then I saw that Patreon has a “pause” alternative that preserves some options for me. They’ve changed their membership plans since I started, so if I completely close it I’m forced onto the new plan. 

So, to recap: Going forward, you’ll be able to read all the weekly strips over at, and you won’t be charged by Patreon if you were one of my early backers. Thanks again for your support!

50th Comic!

My cartoon strip, Run of the Housereached a neat milestone today. I published my 50th comic!


If you’d like to read the other 49, you can see them all at So far I’ve kept to my M/W/F schedule without fail since starting the strip back in April. My goal has been to just keep working on getting better, and I’ve been encouraged how much the strip has already evolved. I see definite improvement, which is gratifying. That’s what it’s all about to me, folks, whether it’s writing, cartooning, or anything else: it’s about just working at the craft and getting better. The rest is gravy. While it’s been challenging finding the time to do this with the writing, the family, the day job, and everything else, I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.

And while I know some of my most dedicated readers of my “regular” writing would probably prefer I stick to books, the balance has been very, very good for me. It’s actually reinvigorated my creativity and brought new perspective to the writing side of things, too. In other words, I think it’s making me a better writer.

And I’d love your help! If you want to support me on this journey, plus get the comic a week early, access to the backstage blog where I share insights and behind-the-scenes stuff, and other extras, consider chipping in $1-$3/month over at my Patreon page. I’d really appreciate it!