For readers who prefer to listen to my books in audio, good news: the third Karen Pantelli book, Dead-Eyed Drifter is now available for download at both Audible and iTunes.
A big thanks to Cathy Crosman, who did an excellent job narrating this book. While it’s never ideal changing narrators in the middle of a series, Cathy made the switch as seamless as possible (while bringing her own wonderful rendition life).
Just a quick update, since it’s been a few months. The ninth Garrison Gage book is currently with the copy editor, slated to be published in June. Be looking for an email from me (assuming you’ve signed up for my New Release Newsletter, which I hope you have!) By the way, my copy editor is the excellent Michael J. Totten, who is not only a prize-winning writer in his own right, but one of the very best editors at all levels one can get. I can’t recommend him enough. He’s getting in such high demand, however, that it might be difficult to hire him before too long!
I’ve been in a productive grove lately. Some of this stems from staying off-line until the evening most days, but a lot of it is just being more focused and efficient, channeling my energy into what yields me the best returns. I like to split my productive time 70/30 between the writing and cartooning, with the writing getting the bulk of my efforts, and I’ve been edging closer to that ideal. The Run of the House cartoon strip is a completely different ball of wax from my fiction, especially my crime fiction, but doing it provides me with a nice change of pace. One of my fans described the strip as “frequently funny, often profound, and sometimes just plain weird,” which I thought was the best summation of my quirky sense of humor I’d ever heard! And a good tagline!
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