New Garrison Gage book published: A Shroud of Tattered Sails

shroud_mediumresThe fourth Garrison Gage book, A Shroud of Tattered Sailsis now out in the world. I shared the cover and book description a month ago on this blog, so rather than repeat myself, I’ll just link to the book’s page, where you can follow the links to various retailers and also read the first chapter online if you are so inclined. While the paperback, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo versions are currently available, the iBooks version should be available within a week or so. A few people have asked about the audio book, and yes, I plan to have that produced as well, but it will be a few months yet. Check out the series page if you think you might have missed one of his adventures.

It was great fun returning to Gage’s world, and I feel so grateful that he’s picked up so many fans the last few years. After four books, it really does feel like visiting with family you don’t get to see all that often — the good kind of family, of course! Judging by some of the emails readers have sent me, it seems quite a few people feel the same way about him. It warms my heart, which, with the cold and rainy weather we’ve been having in Oregon lately, is definitely a good thing.

I’m knee deep into the third Myron Vale novel and hope to keep up the steady pace going into the new year. Oh, and Happy Holidays!