New Book Published: A Lighthouse for the Lonely Heart (a Garrison Gage Mystery)

A new book! As I mentioned to my intrepid newsletter subscribers yesterday (over 3200 strong now!), A Lighthouse for the Lonely Heart is now available in both ebook and paperback. The audio should follow in a few months, as usual.

While releasing another book into the wild may not be quite as exciting as the first few times I did it, it never gets old. There’s always this mix of giddy anticipation and mild trepidation. How many am I up to now? Well, it depends on how you count, I guess, but my bibliography says this is number 15. That’s fifteen published, mind you, not written. There are a few books which served their purpose as practice and hopefully will never see the light of day. Hear that, kids? Please don’t publish those books after I’m gone.

Anyway, whatever number it is overall, A Lighthouse for the Lonely Heart is the fifth Garrison Gage mystery. It’s always fun to return to my curmudgeonly private investigator and the extended cast of characters that inhabit my Oregon coast town of Barnacle Bluffs. Zoe, Alex, Chief Quinn — we get to catch up with all of them. Poor Gage really is put through the ringer this time, though, and not just by having to confront the usual assortment of baddies. He’s dealing with a loss of a different kind.

The cover and the description are below. Links to retailers can be found on the book’s page on my site. One little bit of trivia? The lighthouse pictured on the cover really is Heceta Head, located a few miles north of Florence, Oregon. As far as I know, however, no one has died there recently . . .

lighthouse_ebookcover2A Lighthouse for the Lonely Heart
A Garrison Gage Mystery

They find his body at the bottom of Heceta Head Lighthouse—Ed Boone, a longtime volunteer who commits suicide rather than see his grim diagnosis to its bitter end. The strangeness of the old man’s death makes the local news, but Garrison Gage thinks little of it until the famous Nora West sneaks into town with an unsettling letter in hand.

Professing he wants to go to his grave with a clear conscience, Ed claims to be Nora’s biological father. But the revelation stirs up all kinds of complicated emotions for the talented but troubled musician, who hires Gage to find out the truth.

Yet the truth may be a lot more disturbing — and dangerous — than either of them expect.


Available in both Paperback and Ebook at Retailers Everywhere