New story published: “Stone Creek Station”

My story, “Stone Creek Station,” has appeared in the anthology Beneath the Surface, edited by Timothy Deal.  Published by Shroud Publishing.  Buy it here.

And here’s the opening:

While cleaning out my office, I pulled the old Rand McNally atlas off the shelf and the book fell open to the two-page spread of the United States. I closed my eyes and made a blind stab at the map; when I looked down at the book, my finger had fallen in the middle of Oregon. The problem was that when I lifted my finger, there wasn’t a town there, just a mountain range and some lakes.

Still, I was determined to follow my method, so I turned to Oregon in the atlas, and located on the more detailed map the spot where my finger had fallen. There were a couple of small towns in the area, but one caught my eye: Stone Creek.

It was impulsive. It was insane. It wasn’t anything like me at all — always deliberate, always cautious. But that was the point. If you’re serious about starting over, you can’t trust yourself to make a clean break  . . .